A rather good idea
Fuck the government!
....another couple of days to post again about the novel. Just completed the ninth chapter. That's chapters 1-9 for those that have kept semi up to date with my progress. Unlike earlier in the process where I'd written chapter six before chapter five. I have been posting my word count, 40,000 sounds better than 38,400 or whatever it is exactly so I had thought of waiting until I passed that barrier. However tomorrow and possibly some of friday depending on how long it takes I'm going to print it out either in it's entirety or the last three chapters and read over review and edit. So that might well be start of next week before I pass through the magic number, and well I wanted to post a blog about something this week.
...hurrah, about time too. Good game as well, 2-0 up, pegged back to 2-2 before a dramatic late winner. Can't ask for much more, a decent performance, entertainment and the right result. Possibly just papering over the cracks for the now but I'll take it. Hopefully it's a confidence boost and we'll come through the big test at the weekend, away to Falkirk were we absolutely need a result in the league. a draw wouldn't be a bad result by any means. They've started season well, we've still got injury problems but a win would be just the tonic.
..This is the one, the one we're waiting for!
The president of Iran recently did an interview with CBS news 60 minutes programme. The link is to a page on page three of a transcript of it. I linked to that in particular as it contained the following passage.
Where to start? Okay so perhaps most Mueslims have better taste than to go to Malaga on holiday but is that any reason to assume someone is a terrorist? Pilot should have told anyone not happy to board the plane to in more polite terms to "fuck off" and see how the insurance company deals with a cancelled holiday claim due to you being a racist twat that assumes asians on a plane equals a terrorist threat.
Cricket on the front and back pages of the Independent. Ok it's the first ever forfeited test match apparantly but fir fuck sake get some perspective. One article even went on about how cricket was a "refuge from some of the worst pressures and cynicisms of modern life," that was written after mentioning how John Major was present. In fact after a quick double check that was apparantly an argument made by the ex tory bastard Prime Minister. After a hard days approving arm sales to a despotic regime I guess a bit of cricket takes the mind of things.
Very nice day out at the fringe yesterday, in for mid afternoon and the weather held out for us, didn't rain until after a fire interrupted Jimmy Carr set was concluded and hot dogs were consumed from a handy and fairly decent little stall selling crepes and well hot dogs.
...usually has something to say. His website has been updated after being down for a good while. A new book on the arms trade released, not bought it yet although i do intend to. Got tickets to see his show in September which should be good.
Spent the latter half of last week limping around after bashing my knee, seems ok now though. Followed up by watching a 3rd loss in 3 games for Motherwell to leave us pointless at the bottom of the league and the ignimonious distinction of being the only team to utterly inept not to take something of Rangers. How embarressing!
That's a seventh chapter finished and the 30,000 word mark breached. It's been a very stop start year and this last two weeks has been the most productive spell since way back in November and Decemember last year when I started.
The blog has been very quiet of late and not from a lack of things to write about, in terms of world news the situation in the middle east has been horrendous and well worth commenting on. I have chosen not to lately for a few reasons. I've been trying to be a bit more disciplined in working on my book since i got nothing done on holiday or much the first week back with it leading up to Leeds trip. I chose not to write on the war crimes of Israel in particular as i had just been reading a book called Tell Me No Lies edited by John Pilger, it contained a piece by Robert Fisk called Terrorists about the massacres of Sabra and Chatila. It left me feeling sick, and i don't think i'd have written anything remotely balanced immediately after reading it, indeed i may have been at risk of writing something vitriolic and borderline offensive. So i'm trying to concentrate on my book the now, i shall be getting back to the grindstone in a few minutes, although i definately reccomend the above book although i'm only about halfway through it myself, especialy if you are a journalist.