Friday, August 18, 2006

Fringe day out

Very nice day out at the fringe yesterday, in for mid afternoon and the weather held out for us, didn't rain until after a fire interrupted Jimmy Carr set was concluded and hot dogs were consumed from a handy and fairly decent little stall selling crepes and well hot dogs.

Saw two shows, Jimmy Carr obviously who was pretty funny. Does a lot of shit telly but well if people will throw money at you...

Also saw Josie Long, a much more endearing comedic turn, a totally scatty bonkers woman but rather funny. In a small hall at the Cafe Royal, the complete opposite of slick gag merchant Jimmy Carr who was atthe EICC, it was a more satisfying show based on a woman with ADD with sketchy diagrams and talking about things that can make her happy. Some very funny bits and the less funny stuff was still entertaining. I'd reccomend seeing her show, was only about £6 and on at about half past 6. So even if you went along and hated it you'd have plenty time to enjoy rest of your night.

Also bought that Mark Thomas book I'd mentioned, as well as a book called illustrated stars and planets, or something like that for a £5 out of a bargain book shop. Thought it might help with sci fi book related stuff. I was banging my head on desk earlier in year trying to find out how far mars gravitational influence extends, in the end I just made a number up. Hopefully this will be handy for the odd bit of science.

There was some brilliant fishing DVD's for sale, with lots of stuff about using a big rod in the title!


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