What a day!
I know this blog is almost dead but thought I'd post about the day I had yesterday.
Started off quietly enough I was going about my business tidying up a bit here and there and I could hear in the background the noise of grass being cut. There is a guy that goes about cutting peoples grass for them as a small business enterprise and who used to cut grass for us. Now to cut a longer story a bit shorter his services proved unreliable and after investment in a new lawnmower no longer required. This still doesn't put him off asking every so often and when the doorbell rang I knew who it was and choose to ignore. I just could not be bothered with him.
So later on I head downstairs and out on errands of my own and he is still there with the latest in a long line of dimwit sidekicks. I am asked if I want my grass cut, I politely refuse. Now the garden is shared between an upstairs and downstairs flat and the back garden is shared and with the downstairs flat designed for wheelchair use the tennat there gets a grass cutting service provided. Now the service is pretty poor but it has established the precedent that he gets a bit at the front cut for him and half the back. Now recently I tend to just cut all of the front and leave the back and well they have taken care of it. But yesterday as I was leaving and having politely refused the offer made I get hit upon for money for them doing the back. I explain that well they weren't asked to do it. Needless to say they were trying to get money off me, all of £5 and things began to get heated. The sidekick who was a ginger midget of a guy starts going mental, calling me all sorts. Saying what a snidey cunt I am leaving the poor wee handicapped boy to pay for the grass cutting. I am not having what is basically an attempt to extort money from me and tell him that I'll sort out with downstairs but he getting nothing. After more tirades he then threatens me, I tell him to fuck off. He then picks up his rake and waves it at us and says he is going to "set about me," just as I've went to walk away. I turn andd take a step back and invite him to come ahead and he does nothing other than call me names. So I head off down the street to get my bus, when I'm halfway along I can here him shouting at me again and brandishing his rake. I shake my head in general dismay for the human species and walk slowly on he was welcome to follow but I think his wee legs would only carry him so far.
I tell my partner about all this just so she warned about it and lo and behold as she gets home from her work he tries to get money out of her and not even by starting with a polite enquiry. It's a case of "haw you, you owe me fucking money," well she tore into him and despite more threats about doing her and visiting me in intensive care as a scene erupts he ends up surrounded by the neighbours. Not least the downstairs one who tear into him for upsetting my partner and for having the cheek to chase us for money when it turns out they were explicitly told that it had been made clear what they were paying for and if they wanted to cut the whole of the back as offered that was up to them but they were not to do it if it wasn't covered by what they were paying them. This scene leads ginger arse to get all upset and apologetic and he told to take a hike despite at one point holding out arms for some sort of apologetic hug.
I'm thinking what a day and blissfully unaware that there is more to come. To get straight to the point I was making my way home after playing football. I get off the bus at hamilton bus station and make my way across the road to catch another bus. As I make my way round putting on a bit of a jog some neddy looking guy asks me for a fag. I say sorry I don't smoke and he mouths something not that clear back, he mutters something about wanting a square go and I ignore him because funnily enough I don't actually want one. He shouts abuse at me calling me a tim and other stuff I don't really mind and I head to other bus stop. He decides to follow me over with a wee pal in tow and he starts hassling me again getting right in my face. Despite a brief distraction of some other guy having a cigarett to give him at the bus stop he won't be deterred and after pushing up close to us and trying to provoke me he takes a swing and lands one right on my jaw. It a fair old whack but I shrugged it off and just kept watching him as I still was not wanting to get into a brawl in the street, especially as you never know if cunts like these are carrying anything and he has one pal albeit a wee tiny dude just by and a couple of others not that far away across the street. Not satisfied though he swings at me again, I duck away and it only a glancing blow on forehead but well I not going to stand there and take a kicking so I swing for him and ladle in. He falls back as I try and pound away, not sure how clean my own punches are but doing enough to make sure he not getting at me. Fact that I left handed took him by surprise as he couldn't seem to get his own punches awya as I held him away with right while letting fly with my left. I thought I saw what might have been a tooth fly out, I do hope so least the cunt deserved but at this point his wee pal pulls at me from behind and lets him step back. At this point I decided to leg it, even just two against one seemed bad enough odds and I had room to grab my bag and run. I heard the first ned tell the wee one to chase after me and he managed to trip me up but I was on my feet in a flash as I could have been in big trouble if they'd got me on deck. Fortunately the bigger one hadn't followed in and the wee one as I got up didn't have the bottle to do anything, so I got a clear run at second time of asking and legged it up the street where I ended up calling a taxi and making my way home to end a overly eventful day!
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