Monday, August 21, 2006


The president of Iran recently did an interview with CBS news 60 minutes programme. The link is to a page on page three of a transcript of it. I linked to that in particular as it contained the following passage.

"You are very good at filibustering," Wallace remarked. "You still have not answered the question. You still have not answered the question. Israel must be wiped off the map. Why?"

"Well, don't be hasty sir," the president said. "I'm going to get to that. I think that the Israeli government is a fabricated government."

"Fabricated" following the Holocaust, which he's said may also have been fabricated.

Last December, Ahmadinejad said the Europeans had created a myth of the Holocaust.

"What I did say was, if this is a reality, if this is real, where did it take place?" Ahmadinejad replied.

"In Germany," Wallace said.

"Who — who caused this in Europe?" Ahmadinejad asked.

"In Europe. If I may … so …what you're suggesting — one moment — what you're suggesting then, that Israel should be over in Germany because that's where the holocaust took place?" Wallace asked.

"I'm not saying that, mind you," the president replied.

But he has said Israel could be moved to Europe, or even to the United States but it shouldn't be in Palestine.

"Well, if an atrocity was committed in Germany or Europe for that matter, why should the Palestinians answer for this?" the president asked. "They had no role to play in this. Why on the pretext of the Holocaust they have occupied Palestine? Millions of people have been made refugees. Thousands of people to-date have been killed, sir. Thousands of people have been put in prison. Well, at the very moment, a great war is raging because of that."

It was of interest because it relates to words spoken by the Iranian president that were used to suggest that he wanted to wipe Israel of the face of the earth and that he was a holocaust denier. As far as i can see it's a proposition as to why when millions of Jewish people were murdered and genocide committed against them by the Nazi regime was considered a good idea to somehow make up for it by creating the state of Israel where they did?

He may well be a dangerous lunatic, he does seem to be tied to a fairly fundamental Islamic point of view. The thing is if he's a nutter and a genuine threat you shouldn't need to twist words to fit what you want people to think. I recently saw a documentary about how a 16 year old girl was executed for breaking morality laws, the judge and jury being the religious leaders. I consider this more than a bit backwards, it was horrific. So i'm no fan of modern day Iran

I consider myself neutral as far is it goes, i'm a european athiest. If you are Jewish or Mueslim and quietly go about your business I'm happy for you if it makes you happy. Israel however is a terrorist state occupying land it has no business being in, treating the Palestinion population under it's control in a truly horrendous fashion, hardly an advert for a moral society. It may well feel under threat surrounded by hostile neighbours, I wouldn't worry while the full might of US support backs them up.


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