Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Our manager stayeth(for now)

Very satisfying to get it right up the jambos who were dancing about thinking they had pinched our manager only for him to say "roon ye, I'm staying where I am!" You'd have to be mental to work over in Little Lithuania with the chairman interfering and calling all the shots. Just hope we keep playing the way we have been and we reap the reward of improving his contract before he moves onto bigger things at a less bonkers club!

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Creative funk

I not been writing lately, there has been stuff going on that has been a distraction but to be honest some of it was almost welcome to avoid writing, I had came to the conclusion that what I was writing at the time wasn't satisfying and my heart wasn't in it. But in last day or two an idea has been forming that is giving me enthusiasm to try and develop it into something, what format I don't know. I had been trying to write something in screenplay form and that in itself wasn't the problem, indeed if anything it was simpler. To my mind a screenplay is like the skeleton of a story and I think in many ways it doesn't require as much skill with words themselves as it requires imagination to tell a story and the ability to visulise it. If you want to set something say in an area of London, you can set it there without having to have the same amount of knowledge of the place to describe it with same level of authenticity.

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Backwaters of europe here we come!

Been rather quiet here on all fronts, but not had a great deal to say all season about Motherwell FC and here we've only went and qualified for europe for something like the 4th time in our history. If anything there has been to much going on to write about, from the dramatic turnaround in fortunes on the pitch, to tragic loss of a player also on the pitch, the dreadful state of the pitch itself and a bundle of call offs it seems quite appropriate that after our vital 2-1 win over Aberdeen at the weekend our Main stand and the pitch itself was struck by lightning cause both to be flooded. Fortunately only some carpets are needing replaced, our improved drainage making the pitch flooding a not to considerable problem for a change.

There isn't a rollercoaster yet built that could give you the same upss, downs, thrills and spills it has been that dramatic a season. Finishing 3rd is a well deserved reward at the end of it all, would like to think we can build on that but I understand all to well how Scottish football works and our own stature within it.

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

BT are fecking baws!!!

Two whole weeks without internet, and eh not even entirely sure why. Nothing wrong with our equipment, but it took them two weeks to fix whatever unexplained fault they had at their exchange or who knows where else. This also included about ten days without a landline phone, and for something that is fixed it is running slow as a dude with serious constipation who is unable to do a shit. Trying to download a file for AVG latest free anti virus and estimated 30 minutes remains for a 45 meg file. Unlimited broadband my fucking arse!
