Monday, June 04, 2007

2 year anniversary more or less

Time has a habit of popping out in front of you and going "woo hoo, forgot about me didn't you," just noticed that it is about two years since I first set up this blog. The original intention was that I'd try and get into the habit of thinking about issues in the news or close to my heart and write about them for the purpose of getting some practice of putting my thoughts into words before thinking about applying to do a post grad in journalism. That didn't really come to fruition and for the past 18 months or I've tried to put creative energies into writing a book.

The book project is almost over. It's given me a certain level of satisfaction and irrespective of any publishing success I aim to continue writing for a good while yet. So I definately post less on things happening in the world and is there really a point to this blog? Not hugely no, but I've no plans to end it. For one thing I've grown attached to it and I like hopping blogs and seeing what other randoms feel worth writing about.

I do still like to put my thoughts down in written word and publish them now and again. If anyone reads htem then great and if they don't well so what.

I should finish editing on my book before I go on holiday at end of the month. I looking forward to reading books in the sun in particular and not feeling like I should be working. As opposed to now where I spent far to much time browsing the internet, playing games and feeling guilty about not working. I'll have achieved a goal however meaningful it is and I have another goal to start when I get back. Two really, putting some effort into trying to get book published and finishing screenplay I started during a novel writing haitus at beginning of last year.

I am going to take a notepad with me, just to note down any ideas that might come to me and possibly flesh out some ideas I've already had but not put to much thought into due to being busy elsewhere.

I ordered seven books today. I'll post shortly waht they are and why I chose them.

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