Friday, March 30, 2007

Wow, think it's finished

Ok not 100% finished but first draft kind of thing, last chapter done and dusted. If you wondering how so quick, no not a sudden burst of hard work, I spent nigh on all yesterday playing FF12, Pro Evo 6 and Project Gotham Racing. It just happened that last chapter is really just an epilogue, two and a bit pages. Just wrote out there in last hour or two.

Well what now? Still work to be done. A last mini edit. Last 3 chapters i'll print out, read over and make changes where I see fit. Still unsure about penultimate chapter, think it's ok but it's more or less the end of the story and well didn't realsie until I finalised that following chapter was just an epilogue style thing. It's a message from one character to all the rest a few months after, tieing up a loose end or two and a small overview of how things that happened during story have had effect elsewhere and letting you know roughly where characters are now.

Once I've done that I'll print out the revised first draft, what's on my computer now after first changes. I'll read it, try and spot any typos and blatant small mistakes i may have missed. Same sort of changes to dialogue and writing as i make with mini edits if I'm not happy with what is on the page, of which I know there is some. The thing with quotation marks I mentioned a few posts ago will need sorting, that'll be a pain.

Then reprint the 2nd draft. Put it aside for the moment. Dig up by copy of writers and artists handbook and take the advice in about trying to get a novel printed. Involving writing letter(s) describing novel and seeing if there is any interest in it. If there is I'll be both amazed and over the moon and if there isn't I'll be utterly unsurprised but quietly depressed about it.

After that I shall attend to my screenplay, which will be a considerably shorter project before i begin again.

*word total 90163 subject to revision in editing. Probably go down a touch if anything as it includes a pro logue or indeed two at the beginning which i'm deleting as think they redundent but were handy as guides near the start when I was still quite unsure about what I was writing.
90,000 words of rubbish is still rubbish but I quite pleased still that I wrote irrespective.

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Blogger theseeker said...

well done mate. Wouldn't mind reading a copy.

If you get it published I want a mention since it was me telling you about nanowrimo that got you started :)

8:40 AM  
Blogger Just Some Guy said...

Thanks and I'm still sticking to my policy that if it good enough to get published I'm more than happy to let anyone read it. Til then I not so sure :-)

2:35 PM  

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