Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Night of the Living Dead

Ok not quite but did spent an evening in a room full of mostly middle(the youngsters in the room) to old aged gentleman, I could insert a cheap joke at this point but I'll move on and just let the reader know that I was in fact at Motherwell Football Clubs 101st AGM, rather than say somewhere seedy involving businessmen paying to get flogged. Though some of htem did have a look that suggested that that was where they were off to next.

It so happened that I'm friends with someone who got themselves a few shares but is currently residing in Germany, so I took the opportunity go along as a proxy shareholder for the evening.
It was quite connvivial in it's own fashion, the order of business was ran through, a bit of a Q&A followed by a more informal chatting session afterwards with a very passable buffet, wine was on offer though as I'm not really a wine drinker so I didn't partake and can't comment on the quality of plonk dished up.

I personally found it a worthwhile experience, I was a bit shy of asking a question, though as my point got covered anyway I got saved from having to ask. Was told it was a shirt and tie affair, not attire I feel overly comfortable in so added to asking a question as not even a proper shareholder I have to admit to feeling a little embarrassed to speak up and quite glad I felt I didn't have to.

There was questions about the team, the pitch(mostly related to potential groundshare with gretna next season), finances, fans concerns about this that and the other but there a certain sense of detachment between board and fans that can't be gulfed. You get feeling both look down upon the other for different reasons. A question was mentioned about the treatment of our away support at Parkhead when we're away to Celtic and how despite this treatment getting even worse over the past few seasons nothing had been done and the person who made the complaint was getting essentially blanked. Up spoke man of the people director to say how yes he had noticed this problem sitting with the fans with his son. I could only think well why the fuck did you wait til now to try and do anything about, your on the club board. You can phone Celtic direct and they'll at least talk to you. Promises were made but you get feeling it case of placating someone and then porbably forgetting about it.

We all have opinions, but of the board members there only three reallt spoke and only one of them seemed like a decent guy. Other two were twats and of those relatively quiet in background I already had no doubt of the twattiness of one of them. Pompous self important dicks that have more interest in the perks of the position than the club or the fans that support it.



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