Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Another chapter written...

...or more likely two. If you happen to have noticed been a bit of a gap since the last chapter update this last one has been a bit of a biggie. I'm going to split it into two i think, there is a very obvious bit in the middle that would serve as a nice cliffhanger. And I do have just enough space left to juggle the second half the other side of the next chapter. This only leaves me with another two maybe three to write now. Very worrying as I am then going to have to try and pimp it round publishers and cope with the more than likely rejections that will ensue.

I don't mean to sound negative but it is only the minority that get published so fingers crossed but i would be a bit foolish to imagine it will happen just like that. The main thing is to finish it, have a go at getting it published and not being to downbeat if it doesn't happen. I already know what I want to write next. I started a screenplay during my novel writing hiatus earlier last year, I quite liked what I'd done so far and I want to go back and finish that. I also have an idea for another novel sized story, not science fiction, political thriller would be closet genre tag I could give it. Noted down some other ideas as well, hopefully more inspiration will come my way once I'm less focused on this current novel project.


Blogger Tom said...

Best of luck for when it's finished.
Even if the publishers don't pick it up - have a bit of punk spirit and print it yourself.

Print on demand is the way to go - Fight the power ;-)

Oh and put me down for a copy.

10:28 PM  
Blogger Just Some Guy said...

The thing about telling people your writing something they damn well want to read it apparantly(well at least the first few pages anyway).

Current availability is eh when it's published you can have a copy, if it isn't it'll be stuffed down the back of the couch :-)

I saved that website from when you told me about it way back, might well consider it but will try the boring mainstream route first i think

1:03 PM  

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