Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A title

I still don't have a title for my book. I never had one in mind from the start, was hoping one would just pop into my head when book was further along. Well I'm almost finished and still no title, I suppose it should reflect what the story is about.

So what is the story about? Well it's science fiction set couple of hundred years hence but in a world largely recognisable as our own, problems we have today are largely the problems there are in the novel. A world where global powers such as the US try to shape the planet to their own needs. The state of the planets environment, resources, a complient supine media that bends to corporate wishes because part of corporate world. Disenfranchised people rail against it but to what effect?

Well I guess it's about my own desire for change, the need for some exterior agent of change to lift our horizens from the systems of government and control we've made for oursleves. And seeing as I don't believe it god, it's not him incase you wondering. Change or a desire for change is what it's all about, I'll go get my thesaurus and go look about the net to see if I can't find something suitable.


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