Friday, September 09, 2005

Trickle down economics = third world enclaves?

This was in yesterdays papers and news, but i've just got round to sitting down to read about it. There has been a UN report that states that parts of America, the richest country in the world, are as poor as Thirld World countries!

America is the most full on exponent of free market economics and the biggest backer of economics that says if the super rich are doing well then their wealth and prosperity will trickle down all the way to those on the bottom rungs of the economic ladder.

Well it seems that just isn't the case increasing levels of child mortality, an infant mortality rate comparable to that of Malaysia and child poverty rates risen to more than 20%. Not insignificant numbers of the population. One can't help but wonder if all the money they spend on their military couldn't be more closely scrutinised and scaled down even just a bit to tackle poverty in their own country.

It just seems so stupidly obvious that it's a wonder people in the US arn't more concerned about what their tax dollars are spent on.Would you have your money spend on on say a healthcare system or on warmongering in the name of spreading democracy?


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