Tuesday, September 06, 2005

tuesday rant

They say that you find signs of the almighty working in myserious ways, there might just be something in that. Last night i pondered two things on this blog, i wondered over my lack of easy inspiration for a tuesday rant and over the meaning of life and in my opinion a lack of a creator, well in the traditional biblical sense at any rate.

Was i given a sign the very next morning that perhaps i have erred on the latter matter? I awoke this morning to find that i no longer needed to look for a reason to have a small rant, indeed the very something that woke me up caused me to curse in frustration. I'm sure it is a topic i've touched on before but there is just something extra special to be awoken by the sound of a cat scraping the wooden floor of your bedroom because it has just pissed there.

My room now smells like citrus fruits, not the nicest smell in the world and i can see why it is meant to deter cats. The result of using this special cleaner meant to discourage animals defacating indoors, so far not with any great success. It smells marginally better that a cats well used litter tray, the only thing i'm afraid i can say in it's advertising campaign should i ever be asked to endorse the product.

So do i think this is a sign? Well not of an omnipotent creator no, it's a sign that life will throw something shitty at you as soon as look at you but i think we all know that. And it the grand scheme of things a poorly house trained cat doesn't really rank as a major contender


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