Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The meaning of Life?

Does it matter if there is a meaning to life, does there need to be a grand plan, is it inevitable that having a blog and no strong religious convictions leads to boring ramblings about whats it all about?

I would say no, no and in my case yes to those questions. I can't however state one way or another if there is a meaning to life or if there is some grand plan to it all.

Is a life more or less valuable if as i believe there is no afterlife? I would argue more, so what if we are just creatures created by evolution who only life on after our deaths by what impression we make on those that suceed us? If Beethoven is nothing more than a few bones in a grave does it lessen the appeal and impact of his music? Not a bit. The fact that we have only one life to live makes it all the more valuable and not to be thrown away or exploited by those who would grind people less powerful than themselves into the dust for their own gain.

Would it be nice if i was proven wrong and there is an afterlife? Absolutely, i'm a young guy still utterly convinced i'm going to live forever, at some point a sense of my own mortality will creep into my psyche and nibble away at my anti religion believes. I believe i will still keep them and not waver out of fear and a desire for my existence to be continued after i've slipped this mortal coil, it won't change the fact that i'll not want to be proven wrong.

Well when i say proven wrong, only to an extent, would depend on what sort of post life existence was waiting, if it involved fundamentalist christians i could only presume i'd been sent to Hell!

All this pondering about life has me wondering about peoples motivations. I can understand why so many choose to believe in a faith of some sort, something that offers a promise of life after death and an eternal reward when so often everyday life is so unrewarding. Also those that seek power and not just wealth but extreme wealth and who hoard it to themselves, why? You can't take it with you and does a life of luxury really make up for unconscionable acts. The answer is apparantly yes when you look at the number of despots and corporate crimes history has thrown up.

I sometimes wonder about things that piss me off that are exceptionaly unimportant. Right now, computer games. Of all the unimportant things to get annoyed at, they are meant to be fun for fuck sake and just because my team loses a couple of games they shouldn't have and my new signing is playing like a complete arse shouldn't have me want to hurl the monitor out the window in frustration.

Then again if i didn't occasionally blow my top over trivial things would i be in danger of one day doing something totally tonto in a more important situation? They say people shouldn't bottle up their emotions, i imagine it probably goes for big and little ones.

Do i find the world a baffling place? Yes i do.


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