Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sceptical, cynical, distrustful...

...three words i would generally use to describe my thoughts on the powers that be. Still even i have always assumed that the events of September 11 2001 matched more or less with the official story of it being one of the worst terrorist atrocities in the western world. Conspiracy theories, nah surely not on something that huge.

The fall out from the attack has been phoenomenal, look at the world we live in, the US/UK has invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and currently seems to be prepping the landscape for a jaunt into Iran in the not to distant future. Laws slashing civil liberties in both countries, the patriot act is the one of the top of my head in the US and in todays Independent you can see a list of some of the things our own government has done. Quite frankly i am disgusted with the world and country i live in and well i was browsing the net and stumbled across a news story about Charlie Sheen and the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon. I assumed it would be some David Ickesque ramblings and good for a chuckle but whilst not being the most articulate interview ever it wasn't what i expected. So i googled for some of the things mentioned in the interview, the collapse of building 7 of the complex, and it led to documentary called Loose Change. It seemed pretty well made to me, and apart from the narrator sound a bit to self satisfied lacking in obvious flaws. I have to admit i didn't give it 100% attention so i'll watch it again before making a definative judgement but it seems to make a good case for the current US administration being involved in the destruction of the WTC and assualt on the Pentagon. If nothing else it certainly seems to discredit the current official line.

Would like the causual observers of this quite erratic at the moment blog to have a look and tell me what they think. I tend to think that there are people who would sacrifice the lifes of a few thousands US citizens for their own ends.


Blogger Tom said...

Have still not managed to watch this yet but something does stink in relation about the whole thing.

I mean:
WTC 7 managed to fall down, even though it wasn't hit by a plane

People dumping aircraft stocks the day before and they were never traced

Anthrax - Military grade anthrax sent through the post to the media and the senators who were against the U.S. "Patriot" act - yet no one has ever been caught for this and the act sailed through in the middle of the night unread by most senators.

Osama bin Laden - still never caught and never likely to be caught - why not?

anyway, will watch the video and see what else is "surprising" or "coincidental" about the events of that day.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Just Some Guy said...

The first two things you mention are in this, WTC 7 features quite heavily.

11:19 AM  

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