Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Meant to be working on novel but...

...I stumbled across this story again.

"Reasonably construed as inciting." Sounds to me like a catch all term for "whatever we decide" I have little love for the old firm, they are a sad blight on Scottish society. The only reason most Celtic fans claim an affinity with the palestinions and the like is that they like to portray themselves as winning against the odds and the establishment when in football terms there a giant in Scotland and fairly big by any other standard also. The fact that Rangers have a reputation for being right wing, unionists that love da Queen and sing Rule Britannia before they go to bed i'm sure has nothing to do with Celtic fans siding with people and causes they percieve as the polar opposite.

Anyway the sad peculiarities of Scottish culture aside it's a pretty insidious law. It basicaly bans political protest under the guise of trying to solve sectarianism in Scottish society. Banning paraphanalia is hardly getting to the root of the problem. We should looking to ideas that create a more inclusive society. The fact that we have a separate school system for the vast majority of people brought up in the catholic faith is one aspect of the education system that has always struck me as needlessly divisive. It seems to me that it's only the church itself that benefits.

Other fundamental changes need to be addressed, unless you can put a value on something today it's worthless, if it's not a public/private joint venture chances are the government isn't interested. The media is chronic these days, to many outlets under the control of to few. I was watching Brass Eye last night, it's almost 10 years old now and it's remarkable how well it's stood the test of time. The mainstream media has never been perfect, but it's focus and quality has shrunk quite some bit over my lifetime. There is a section in John Pilgers Hidden Agendas book which covers it quite well.


Blogger Tom said...

It is a pretty insidious law, more restrictions on "free speech".
In all honesty, I think that even things that are overtly "sectarian" shouldn't be banned.

Society should be able to deal with it by highlighting how pathetic the symbols are whilst cracking down hard on any lawbreaking acts that occur because of "sectarianism".

I.E. let Rangers and Celtic fans fly flags and sing their songs BUT the papers/commentators shouldn't ignore it as they currently do.

Carling and other sponsors should be asked questions about why they choose to sponsor such tainted institutions.

Much like the BNP, its better to highlight their repugnance and stupidity rather than ban them.

Basically, if folk want to be Fuds, it's their right to be Fuds but it's "normal" folks right to constantly question them and take the pish about their Fudness.

11:30 AM  
Blogger Just Some Guy said...

Couldn't agree more!

12:43 PM  

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