Friday, March 31, 2006

First blog in a while...

...where i'm bothering to write anything myself. There has been a bit of a hiatus on the blog front but the world hasn't stopped or anything so i don't feel to bad about that, if it had...doesn't bear thinking about.

Don't think any of my semi regular readers who have probably forgotten about this blog will have missed much. Had a wee jaunt down to London earlier in the month, was a good laugh. Went with the football team for a british cup match. Unfortunately we lost one nil, the referee was a joke, I could run through a list of dodgy decisions but don't wish to sound bitter.

I've updated my links bar, so i think any of the links that were out of date have been fixed and i added a new link to NO2ID website. Was reading an article linked to another blog TF77 and the highlighted comment which appears at the end of the article raised hackles as it were. It is indeed an insidious police state we are heading for, if it isn't already the case.

Restarted a bit of work on my book on tuesday there, largely editing work but i got some new bits written. Completed 4 chapters and almost completed another. I've got a bit less time for it just now but i hope to finish one chapter and start the next by next tuesday. Also sketched out another idea i had for a story/novel, I'll be putting that aside for just now but it has promise, although it would need a bit of research before i started. Anyway Football Manager is calling just now, i almost wish they'd never invented it, or that i had a faster PC as it's slow as shit these days.


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