Friday, September 02, 2005

Homeland Security

Now theres a joke term if ever i heard it. The city of New Orleans is all but flooded out of existence and why, because the funds designated to improve the flood defences were moved away for reasons of Homeland Security, to pay for the 'War on Terror'.

People have died needlessly because their current government were criminaly negligent, it is that simple. Ignoring the fact that this crusading 'war on terror' has only increased tensions within the middle east and made further terrorist attacks more likely, there has been no tangible results of terrorist networks being smashed or those behind 9/11 apphrehended, the event that has been used to justify invading 2 countries, Osama bin Laden is still unaccounted for. So all the money that has been spent on these misadventures in Afghanistan and Iraq could have been saving lives and livlihoods in the city of New Orleans.

I live thousands of miles away and am pretty much unaffected by the the storm, economic knock on effects of petrol prices rises etc aside, but i'm angry at the disgraceful way this has been handled. There was plenty warning of the storm, and 3 days after it hit and caused so much devastation very little relief effort has reached those affected. If i was a citizen of the US nevermind Louisiana itself i'd be wanting the President impeached, kicked out, lynched you name it for gross misconduct.

To make it worse, there was an announcement that they were abandoning the search for survivors to instill law and order or words to that effect, i'm not there on the ground and there has been reports of looting, but most of those seems to be people trying to get food and water and essential supplies to survive. Get food and water to the people there and that should stop, and fuck it if people are looting retail stores for a big screen TV i don't think there is going to much of a problem getting an insurance pay out. Go try and rescue people that may be in desparate need of medical attention, there are thousands of National Guardsmen there law and Order really shouldn't be that much of a concern that you can't search for survivors.


Blogger Just Some Guy said...

thanks for that, much appreciated. Some nice pics on your blog which is just as well as i don't speak no german. :-)

4:04 PM  

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