Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A bit of light fluff

A feature on spectacularly bad interviews tickled my fancy yesterday, from a journalist being sick of, i mean over Mariah Carey to just amazingly childish behaviour by Robbie William's walking out on an interview with the NME because he didn't like them.

There were two that really struck me as hilarious. First up is a Meatloaf press conference, Meatloaf is in Stockhom promoting a forthcoming tour and everything is going as planned until a German reporter stands up and asks, "Mr Loaf, is it your glands or do you simply eat to much?" Cue everyone but Meatloaf and presumably his entourage pissing themselves laughing and the conference terminating rather abruptly.

The funniest bit for me is that he actually calls him Mr Loaf!

The second one is another Marieh Carey interview, in 1999 she was rather bizarrely asked to comment on the death of Jordan's King Hussein, looking somewhat befuddled, she replied, "I'm inconsolable at the present time, I was a very good friend of Jordan, he was probably the greatest basketball player this country has ever seen. We will never see his like again."

Cue Ms Carey being led quickly away by her entourage. i feel i should point out that the writer acknowledges the latter story is often claimed to be an urban myth although he does say he knows at least three journalists who claim to have been there.


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