Friday, July 29, 2005

Suicide bombers

Just a short note to pass on something i just discovered about suicide bombers. Just now it's muslims that are the current focus and islamic fundamentalism that is blamed. I was picking out highlights from the radio station i mentioned below and it had the author of this book on.

Now i've not read the book and i don't know if it's good, bad or indifferent but it clearly makes some interesting points, just from what i read from the book description. Now i'm not saying these recent bombers wern't Islamic fundamentalist's or that their religious believes wern't part of the reason behind their actions however this guy has made efforts to study suicide bombings the world over and has come to the conclusion that a great many suicide bombers were secular, that "Ninety-five per cent of suicide terrorist attacts occur as part of coherent campaigns organized by large militant organisations with significant public support," and that "Suicide terrorism is not primarily a product of Islamic Fundamentalism."

I've got a big of a backlog of books leftover from being on holiday but their is a good chance i might invest in this book in due course, i should probably have checked the UK amazon site to see if they had it but i'm not changing the link now.


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