Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Almost forgot....

....my tuesday rant about something fundamentally trivial! I have to admit i'm struggling, i'd moan about my back being sore but i consider that quite serious and not in the least bit trivial. Ah i know what i have to moan about. Mobile phones! Or to be more specific the fact that when one breaks on you for no apparent reason you can lose all your phone numbers. Then you have to re enter them all and it's really rather laborious.

Firstly you have to make sure the numbers you enter are still up to date. I have numerous bits of paper with peoples numbers written down but i know so many of them are years old and now obsolete. Theres numbers from people i havn't even spoken to in years, the only reason to put their numbers back in, presuming they even work, is to make it look like you've got more friends than is actually the case should someone else happen to be footering with your phone.

I know i can save phone numbers to sim card, but not that many from what i can remember and if you put your important numbers on there, well they generally are the easiest to get hold off if lost anyway. So mobile phones can go bugger off until there is an easier way of entering all your numbers at one go!


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