Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Guaranteed to get my goat!

Stupid petty hypocricy and moral indignation over computer games. I stumbled across this story last night as i was heading to my bed but i was just to tired to write about it, but don't get me wrong it annoyed me immensely.

Fair enough the GTA series does stretch the boundaries of taste and decency a bit. It's violent and what not, it is however a computer game aimed at adults. It gets an 18 rating in this country and as the article states it got an M for mature rating in the US, 17 and over. Not for young children then, although countless parents will let their children play anyway.

Apparantly though sexually explicit scenes within the game "can be unlocked with software created by a fan." Ok so the scenes were in there but they are hardly easily accessable and again so what, the game already had a mature rating so that it wasn't to be sold to be anyone younger than 17. Sure in this country you need to be 18 to buy pornography and maybe i can only presume it's 18 in the USA but say some 17 year gets to see some animated porno scenes in a computer game, oh no they'll be scarred for life! I've not witnessed the scenes myself but the'd have to be pretty hardcore to top what i watched in an episode of Sex and the City the other week. That Samantha character took it all ways and it was pretty graphic, although still considered softcore i imagine because there were no close ups of penetration and yer man boffing her, well his knob wasn't shown to be blunt.

It is hardly worthy of the indignation in some the quotes. Congressman Fred Upton suggest that they are trying to, "peddle sexually explicit material to our youth, and they should be held accountable. A company cannot be allowed to profit from deceit." Well i've news for you Congressman it's a computer game and it is highly anticipated and wanted enough for its qualities as a game that a little bit of extra code that sees some animated characters shagging is not going to increase its huge profits one little bit. Also making profit from deceit is par for the course in the business world, companies advertise and spend untold millions to get us to buy their products and by god they don't spend all that money just to tell us all nice factual statements about their products. Advertising and marketing is the foremost practice of making profit from deceit and it is warmly approved of by the likes of yourself!

Quite frankly it disgust me when people take the moral highground over things like this, particularly politicians linked to as much sleaze as Hilary Clinton and i don't just mean her husbands way of smoking his cigars! Let me repeat the game is aimed at a mature or adult audience, last i heard 17 year olds are allowed to have sex so stop wasting peoples time and time that your congress or senate could be better served questioning your glorious leaders actions!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And why is Hillary getting in a flap about the porn in GTA San Andreas anyway? I would have thought that most right minded individuals would regard the wanton violence and destruction involved in the rest of the game as much more morally challenging (and also a lot of fun).

I have, for example, just completed the 'Fender Ketchup' mission in which an unfortunate Italian fellow was bound to the front of my car whilst I drove as irresponsibly as possible without injuring him in order to get him to 'squeal'. Needless to say, I ended up squashing the poor chap several times before finally succeeding.

Makes the porn seem positively wholesome if you ask me.

10:47 AM  
Blogger Just Some Guy said...

Indeed there was so much to choose from but thats a fine example. It doesn't bother me but it's a more viable complaint that pixel porno.

1:49 PM  

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