Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Money pissed up against a wall was that report. Fuck me, what a fucking joke! I am lost for words, why is the world so wrong! Lets make people feel British, lets give them a council tax or student fee rebate to people who volunteer to swear allegiance to queen and fucking country. Fuck britishness, fuck scottishness, fuck stupid petty nationalism. By all means celebrate cultrural heritage and shit, as well as be willing to scrutinise it and say haud on actually not everything to do with blighty or wherever you come from is all that great.

This to me is a great example of petty pointless change and it is the most hideously depressing example of the hole of a country we live in. It's a good thing I know fuck all about explosives or I'd be suicide bombing parliament. Actually I wish I could sustain this strength of feeling, not because I actually want to suicide bomb anything but it would be good to sustain the energy to channel it into something more positive.

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Blogger theseeker said...

you misread it. The suggestion was for council tax and tuition fee rebates to people who do volunteer work.

Personally I think thats a great idea. Why not reward those who do good work in the community?

Not certain about the pledging allegiance thing (though also don't see what harm it can do), but think the other suggestions are all good ideas

12:06 PM  
Blogger Just Some Guy said...

Fair enough, thought the rebate was just for taking some silly pledge. I'll go read it more closely.

Though bribe/reward, suppose it depends how you look at it.

The whole allegiance thing though, pile of shite.

3:53 PM  

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