Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Back from holiday again

Hence the complete lack of postings lately. Good time had, fortunate timing in that football wise I missed Motherwell getting beat and returned in time for Scotlands win over the Ukraine. Weather was about perfect hot but not unbearable during the day and warm/cool at night.

Didn't do a whole lot, chilled out at pool/beach and read some books. I'll maybe list the books later.

Was back in time for headlines about how the tories are now anything up to 9 points ahead in the opinion polls. Not that I care greatly I find both major parties little more than different puppets on the different hands of the same person. But the swing apparently from a couple of weeks earlier is well into double figures. I like to think I'm quite open minded, flexible to new ideas and so on but what sort of idiots are continually changing their minds about which party they'll apparently vote for with such ease given the recent swings to and fro.

I find it almost impossible to believe the tories have changed at all, compassionate conservatism my arse. If David Cameron whilst touting his green credentials had the remotest sincerity about them he wouldn't have been on a private jet or whatever to head north up to the artic or wherever he went for the photo op about to show concerned he was over global warming and he wouldn't have chosen to cycle to work whilst having his suitcase and papers and what not driven behind him in a big car.

And New Labour is hardly any better so sorry if Iwasn't on the edge of my seat over the will there won't there be an election, what difference will it make? Not a fucking lot would be the answer. It's the differnece between getting mugged and left shaken and getting mugged and the mugger being kind enough to at least hand back enough for bus fare home.

and as for the Lib Dems I did vote for them last election, and they've been sliding in the polls. Is it the fault of the now ex leader Menzies Campbell, well maybe but I can't say I've noticed a whole deal of difference between him and any of the previous two in that relatively speaking politically completely anonymous. As the third party with nil chance of power they only get headlines if they are infighting and/or the other two are having a relatively quiet time, or when one of them appears in public with a cheeky girl. But to be honest Charles Kennedy and Paddy Ashdown may well give a better account of themselves in parliament, not that many people watch that but well you really only heard about them for respective drink problems and extra marital affairs, unless the name Paddy pants down came about for some other reason. It seems so far back in mists of time now that I'm assuming that's how that nickname came about.

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