Monday, August 27, 2007

Been quiet lately

Life and stuff just kept me away from blogging.

Not a whole lot ot report. Saw a few shows at the edinburgh festival and pretty much enjoyed them all, pish weather somewhat ruined the day out factor earlier in the month though.

Bookwise, things might seem a bit quiet. I have made progress on the sorting out the who and the where to approach re publishing. It really is a long shot but one has to try. Literary agents will be my first port of callm with the exception of MacMillan New Publishing which is only publisher I know off that has a department desgined to take submissions by unpublished writers. It's not sent yet, but even with the worst dilly dallying it will be sent off this week. If you don't hear anything within 12 weeks, you haven't been successful.

Composing a covering letter and a synopsis is far more of a challenge than writing the book was. Had a bit of a mental block, but it's coming together.

If I can get those off to a couple more literary editor types this week as well I can look forward to getting back to writing something more enjoyable next week and hopefully leave this current state inertia.

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