Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Ideological battle of our time?

According to the above story that is what the world is facing according to Mr George W Bush. I have to say that in this case he may well be right, however he is not on the side of freedom. I'm not sure there is such an easily designated side but he is not crusading for civilisation and a free world. He is waging a war for US interests and a world where no one is free, unless that is free to do as we tell you.

The world is a safer place now that Saddam is no longer in power he says, well not in Iraq it isn't. Given that Iraq had no WMD I fail to see how it threatened the world overly much, Saddam might have been an evil bastard but the way they tried to sell him was as a Bond film baddy petting a furry white persion in his volcano mountain base plotting world domination. If they had wanted rid of Saddam they shouldn't have abandoned the Shi'ite and Kurdish populations at the end of the gulf war when they encouraged them to rise up against Saddam.

The more the US has involved itself in the middle east the more it has encouraged radical Islam, when you see that the so called beacon of western civilisation and values is actually a hypocritical bastard that is only out for itself no wonder people reject our values and our words sound hollow. When the US stops propping up dicatorships that serve it's interests it can then maybe talk about freedom without making the rest of the world choke in disgust!


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