Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Root of all Evil

I had meant to post on this sooner, but well i didn't. Anyway it was a two part documentary on religion by leading athiest and scientist Richard Dawkins. If you ever want to read about current theory on evolution then he is your man, he's written plenty and for fairly complicated science he makes it understandable.

To be honest the writings were probably better than the show, it demonstrated perfectly well just how closed and insulated to small matters like evidence many of the more fundamentalists of all religions are, as well as how much of a cult religions can be as they manipulate and coerce the believer, the impressionable young in particular.

I good show all in, could have done with being much longer and wider in terms of scope to allow more rigourous discussion. The only downside to that was that those deepest and most extremely into their faith were the least likely to interact in reasoned discussion, for them it is about faith and blind faith at that.


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