Monday, December 19, 2005

Have reached that landmark 20,000 figure

Indeed it was reached not long after my last novel realted blog. I've not got it open just now but the current word count is 21,000 plus and chapter count is still 4/5 completed or close to completed. Christmas shopping has interrupted my schedule a bit and I've been finding it hard to concentrate on for any length of time just now.

One problem is that after getting quite a way into chapter 3 I checked my notes and realised that i had diverged quite a bit from what I had originaly planned. By no means an insurmountable problem it just means I'm that bit less certain of how I want certain events to unfold and how some planned character interaction should develop.

I really need to take a bit of time to sit down and read through it all again, reaquaint myself with how everything is going. Take a good look through my notes and get back into it. Not tonight though, hopefully tomorrow. I think i'll print out what i've down so far you can fed up staring at a screen after so long and the pleasure of reading is not really best enjoyed on a computer screen.

On a side note, it will be interesting to see what it reads like on paper. Some things i'm happier with than others. I think i'm going to find that I could be more visually descriptive. Certainly i've not really described some of my principle charcters, they could look like anything. How important that is i'm not sure, but certainly I think i'll need to amke sure that what i've written evokes a sense of where it's at as it were.


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