Tuesday, August 23, 2005

bear with me but...

..i'm going off on a tangent! Well certainly compared to what i'll usually waffle about.

I feel like talking about, well i can only label as that what touches the soul. I use that phrase reluctanctly, i'm not religous, but that part of the human experience that sees thing as being of no intrinsic value but inately moving all the same.

I was walking home tonight after getting off a bus, it was dark and not a little bit cloudy. It felt a little breezy, although not at all like it was noticebly windy. However i looked to my left and i noticed a couple of trees swaying in the wind, like dark shadows against a dark background, t was beautiful, they had a steady rythmn. It was almost like they were moving on their own accord as you could barely feel the wind. What can i say the world just felt felt like a better place. I wanted to take a video clip of it on my mobile phone but my battery was low. Perhaps it was better that way?


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