Friday, August 19, 2005

Got a new PC.. sort of.

Strickly speaking my big sister has gotten a new PC as she has been unhappy with the reliability of her old one. Now i can say this safe in the knowledge that my sister isn't even aware of this page, she is a jinx when it comes to technology. Computers, TV's, videos, stereos, you name it if she has it chances are it'll break or go wrong. So while she has a shiny new pc, which is currently sitting in my room where i've been entrusted to set it up and install anti virus software etc for her, i shall be getting her old one for myself.

I already have a PC which i'm quite happy with, although wouldn't mind upgrading to a 3Ghz processor like my sisters new PC, or a better graphics card. You always want better than what you have if it's available, but my PC has done me well and still does what now must be 3 years since i got it. Has been upgraded with larger hard drive and more memory but it's still much the same PC. It's reliable and that is why i am quite keen to get my hands on another PC.

I'm not an expert on PC's, i can keep mine ticking over fine and i've never had to take it to a shop for repairs or upgrades but i don't like the fact that i rely on microsoft and windows. I'd like to be able to use something like Linux. So am i fuck going to piss about with the PC i use for everyday use. I now have a guinea pig on which to experiment. I feel i should insert an evil cackle about now, please imagine it for yourself.

I shall look at the old pc, not sure if it's working at all just now. I'll try reinstalling windows first, just to see what sort of condition it is in. Then move onto to trying to install Linux, i confidently predict to have it working by the end of the decade.


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