Monday, August 22, 2005

Corporate Responsability

An oxymoron if ever their was one. A good example of why that is can be found here. Fortunately it looks like the offending company is getting punished appropriately, although i imagine there will be appeals against the award. Just incase you happen to feel sorry for the company being fined, here is a link that shows just what sort of money they have been making.

Another good piece on the moneymaking attitude of drugs companies can also be found here. The top story however goes beyond mere excessive profiteering as it is knowingly putting lives ar risk. The last paragraph for me is revealing, "The punitive damages was equivelent to a 2001 estimate by Merck of the extra profit it would make if it could delay an FDA warning on the heart risks of the drug."

Such thinking and business practices cannot be tolerated, it is time we stopped allowing business interests to be considered as more important than peoples lives. Indeed i'd suggest that those at the top level of management at Merck should be facing manslaughter charges for being ultimately responsible for the releasing of the drug and the information they have seemingly withheld on it's side effects.


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