Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Just about over last weeks shock...

....which in the grand scheme of things I do realise to be trivial. Still thank fuck for the trivial to take our minds of the serious from time to time. I find that sometimes the best way to attack problems is to ignore them. Not entirely that only leads to more trouble but to find something that will take your mind off something, allow a bit of mental resetting and easing of pressures of problems are difficulties that don't have readily presentable solutions.

Playing football is probably the best one(for me), it works the body and the mind provided your not so down in the dumps that you can't function it is ideal for making one feel better. The exercise and the distraction. Well provided you don't have a complete mare of a game to make you feel even worse :-)

Computer games are the next best thing, utterly trival enjoyment of the highest order although the downside is it is far to easy to spend to much time playing them.

The gym provides an ideal outlet to work out frustrations with exercise but the general lack of excitement can make it difficult to concentrate if you mind not in it. On not really related note I did enjoy gym session I had this week where I did a 3 mile run in 22 minutes flat. Not quite worrying olympic qualifying standard I'm sure but my best time over the distance(only ran it 3 or 4 times) by a good 40 seconds.

Books, I love reading but it is rubbish as a distraction, if things are a bit hectic and what not it hard to sit and concentrate on a book regardless of the quality or interest to you. Again a bit unrelated in graphic novel format I just read Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons and it was really really good. Graphic novels I'm becoming increasing interested in after reading the Sandman series, V for Vendetta and Watchmen.

Film and TV, again a decent distraction but I find that you better in the cinema if you wanting to take mind of things rather than watching at home due to less distractions. Also reckon cinema is hard to beat for visual and audio provided you go when place isn't full of arseholes. TV is also so full of shite that it easily becomes another source of irritation.



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