Monday, February 25, 2008

Blazing row(well ish)

Had a bit of a barney at the football with one of the guys I sit beside and play football with, which is most unlike me as I did lose my temper. I wanted to swing for him, but a pacifistic nature and the some what public nature of this bit of girly squabbling held me back.

I have to admit I was trying to wind him up, but only in traditional matey banter style badinage that we as a group, hell as a gender participate in. I clearly misread the signs to the mood of the moment and while my comments might not have been welcome I never said anything offensive or downright nasty. Well certainly not before I lost my temper, and even then afterwards I think I restricted myself to shouting get fuck out of my face, and aggressively posturing in a slightly mollifying Bill Hicks style pushing someone away while shouting come here. Not quite grasping fundamental physics. He on the other hand started getting personal, to point where I now have a dilemma as quite frankly in truth I still want to kill him, my opinion of him has went right downhill but yet I still have to deal with him on a regular basis. The mature part of me says I should maybe just write it of to unfortunate words wrongly chosen and no real ill will meant, put it all the past and forget about it.

However despite best efforts the chosen words remain said and while I might be able to on the face of it do that deep down I still think there will be an ember burning. I htink the best I'll manage is an aloof civility. We shall see how things unfold.



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