Friday, July 22, 2005

Terrible movies i've loved 1

Talking about Batman Begins there gave me an idea, i love movies from big budget hollywood fluff to independent cinema and subtitled french and japanese stuff that most people avoid like the plague. About the only genre i don't like are John Wayne westerns, most musicals and weepies.

However i thought i'd reserve a slot for a special category of films, films that are truly awful yet i loved them none the less. Either i think they are terrible and still liked them or just plain disagreed with the rest of the world.

The first one that comes to mind is Maximum Overdrive. Any sentence that starts with, "Directed by Stephen King and starring Emelio Estevez," would be enough to send most people running screaming but this 1986 so called horror film had me in stitches. It is in that so bad it's good category. The basic plot is that some mysterious comet swings past the earth causing machines to come alive and go on a murderous rampage. Emilio Estevez leads a group of survivors trying to stay alive in a truck stop surrounded by killer trucks. The highlight of the film for me was the killer vending machine. A young teenage lad goes to buy a soft drink and the machine machine gun fires cans of juice at him doubling him over and killing him, it was even funnier than the killer lawnmowers.

So i salute you Maximum Overdrive, i can't think why it was King's first and last directorial effort?


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