Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Living in Scotland....'s really difficult to identify with hosepipe bans and water shortages. We could all have sprinklers on all day and all night and we'd still never run short of water. It just doesn't stop raining long enough.

So i was initaly underwhelmed by the front page article in yesterdays Independent, hosepipe pans and so on just seem par for the course for people down south, hardly news. Anyway i read on and eventually something did strike a chord. Thames water loses 915 million litres of water a day from old and crumbling pipes. If i was living in that region i'd be asking why i'm supposed to only flush my toilet when absolutely essential when the amount of water they leak away could probably knock over my house if it was caught up in a wave of this lost water.

What balls, "please overcharged customers of water don't use a hose, we don't have enough water to spare, well apart from the 333,975,000,000 litres of water we let go to waste each year."


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