Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Holiday post 2

İt is still bloody hot, although it did rain yesterday morning. That was a quite unexpected development, but it didn't last very long and any evidence that it had happened was sooned burned away by the scorching sun that had been lying in wait behind the clouds.

Taking it all very easy, there are plans for a boat trip and other excursions but so far it's been a lot of chilling in the shade, some roasting in the sun and lots more splashing about in the pool losing various balls and inflatable pool objects over the apartment complex fence and into neighbouring gardens. That and scoffing the seriously good food you can get here, it really is rather special. Especially if you like lamb! İ am trying to stay a bit active so i'm in prime condition for Leeds trip, but it's a bit of a challenge in this heat.

İ finished reading my book on Al-Jazeera, it was quite an eye opener. They really do appear to have pissed off everyone, which in my mind backs up their claims that they are a balanced and fair news network Unlike the network whose slogan is 'fair and balanced'. Arab and Western government's hate them, it is hugely popular in the arab world. While largely having great credibility in the Arab world it's been accused of being part of a Zionist plot by some. I personaly hope it success keeps going(there are plans for a english language version) and it doesn't succumb to commercial or governmental pressure to change it's editorial policy.

Certainly after reading it i felt and this might sound a bit presumptious that i understood the people and the situation in the middle east a bit better. They certainly seemed more humanised, i certainly think that the media over here has to a large extent, intentionaly or otherwise dehumanised them as an unintelligable alien people, just not remotely like us. I certainly never believed that to be the case and even less so now.


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