Monday, June 27, 2005

Make Poverty History March

Taking place this coming saturday in Edinburgh. I like to think i'd have made the effort to go if it had been possible, regardless of how much effect it will have there is certainly no harm in large volumes of people making their feelings known.

There was an opinion piece in the Scotsman by a guy called Duncan Hamilton, all for it but wanting to make clear what he and others were marching for. The byline was "I'm opposed to poverty, not the whole world order." Fair enough, he was wary of issues like Iraq and anti capatalism muddying the water. I would suggest that if their wasn't so much poverty in the world for people to march against then there would be drasticaly less people wanting to deomostrate about capatalism in the first place.

If say in 10 years time there is no more poverty in Africa to the extent that thousands of preventable deaths every day no longer happen and the continent as a whole becomes significantly more prosperous and is well on its way to life expectancy and life oppurtunity levels of the developed world then i'll think again about how i view the capatalists pig dogs currently in control. There are many other issues which worry me but it would be a start.


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