Thursday, September 29, 2005

I've been paying scant attention to the news lately...

...but this is disgusting! My contempt for New Labour is as great as it has ever been for Thatcher's Conservative era governement. There shall be no dissent within the ranks it seems and even old age pensioners will be huckled out at any word not on the hymn sheet.

Also blocking a motion not to pay tribute to someone who seemed to be a pretty decent servent to the Labour party over the years because they happened to be outspoken against the war? How small and petty these minds are, even when you are dead we shall try and keep your ideas buried that arn't in accordance with our ideology of warmongering and profiteering!

I can barely bring myself to read the full article, they also threw out someone who dared to criticise the throwing out of an OAP! All the guy said was, "You leave him alone he is an old man."

Evil fucks, evil fucks that is what they are, that is both those whose policy it was and those who lacked the balls to disobey and would actually throw people out for such mild protest! Given that any debate on Iraq was strickly off the agenda, it shows the cowardice of those that control the party.


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