Tuesday, September 27, 2005

tuesday ranting and raving

I've left it late, but i can always find something to whinge about, it's really quite easy to moan ones face off. Though whether i can keep finding new things to rant about each week is questionable. I'm naturally a fairly cheery person incase your wondering, i just thing a good moan every now and then eases lifes little tensions.

I'd like to moan about the buses again, but i've done that before, and despite tonights bus being annoyingly early i just caught it, although it looked grim for a minute. What i do think is worth moaning about just now is other peoples cinema etiquette, i really like going to the cinema but it is no suprise i prefer to go on days and at times when you can expect it to be very quiet. If it isn't people kicking your seat, it's people that will talk during the film, or just large groups of people who before the film will witter on and on and burst yer heid.

It is very frustrating as you just can't really replicate the good points of the cinema experience in your own home, well unless you are seriously minted and can afford to build one fucker of an extension.


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