Tuesday, June 13, 2006

You have to laugh

Obviously the World Cup is a bit of a distraction right now, so we have another slight downturn in blog output.

However i felt compelled to post about a snippet of news buried in an article about environmentaly friendly or unfriendly cars. It for me it highlights the insincerity of politicians in a rather comic manner. Current tory leader David Cameron is quite an image conscious guy and he detects that people might be concerned about the environment. Nevermind the hilarity of chartering a plane to investigate the decaying level of icesbergs in Norway or somewhere earlier in the year. On a more everyday note he has taken to using a bike around town, as as you know stop start driving in busy towns is a big way of using fuel and getting poor efficiency and therefore environmentally unfriendly. However going to and from parliament etc and official meetings he has his offical papers sent behind him in his large Lexus! Somewhat defeating the purpose of the whole idea of getting on yer bike.


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