9701 words as of...
...last friday and disappointingly 9701 words as of just now. Had really meant to spend a good few hours on it today but i wasn't in the mood. I watched Akira instead, played a couple of games of Pro Evo 5. Had an errand to run, by time i was sat again at PC i had to make some dinner and get to football training inside a couple of hours so i booted up Football Manager instead.
I just opened the file and double checked my word count and my ideas page. So i'm either a. going to have a quick run over it and think about where to next before bed or b. end up starting to write and be up until 5am and fucking up my sleep pattern.
I really should do a and get to my bed so i can be up early tomorrow and restart when i'm fresh.
This blog remains on the backburner for now and i didn't submit anything to my preferred Motherwell fanzine for this issue. I could have written something but quite frankly i'm sickened by football just now, both in the general having just re read The Football Business by David Conn and in the specific in that my own club is being run by what amounts to an absentee landlord and our supporters trust is run by a bunch of wankers. I've never been more disillusioned in the beautiful game, it all seems to be about money, i could say the same about the society i live in but i don't really wsh to pursue that line of thought just now.
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